VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form frmMain BackColor = &H00000000& Caption = "Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer" ClientHeight = 5385 ClientLeft = 5145 ClientTop = 2715 ClientWidth = 5295 ControlBox = 0 'False LinkTopic = "Form1" ScaleHeight = 5385 ScaleWidth = 5295 StartUpPosition = 2 'Bildschirmmitte Begin VB.CommandButton Command3 Caption = "Exit" BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 8.25 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 495 Left = 2760 TabIndex = 11 Top = 4560 Width = 1335 End Begin VB.CommandButton Command1 Caption = "Play again!!!" BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 8.25 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 495 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 10 Top = 4560 Width = 1335 End Begin VB.TextBox Text9 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 3240 TabIndex = 8 Top = 3240 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text8 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 2160 TabIndex = 7 Top = 3240 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text7 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 6 Top = 3240 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text6 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 3240 TabIndex = 5 Top = 2160 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text5 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 2160 TabIndex = 4 Top = 2160 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text4 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 3 Top = 2160 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text3 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 3240 TabIndex = 2 Top = 1080 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text2 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty Height = 855 Left = 2160 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1080 Width = 855 End Begin VB.TextBox Text1 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BeginProperty Font Name = "Arial" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 700 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H00000000& Height = 855 Left = 1080 TabIndex = 0 Top = 1080 Width = 855 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Alignment = 2 'Zentriert BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer" BeginProperty Font Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 24 Charset = 0 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H00FF0000& Height = 615 Left = 120 TabIndex = 9 Top = 120 Width = 5055 End Begin VB.Shape Shape2 FillColor = &H00FF0000& FillStyle = 0 'Ausgef Height = 255 Index = 1 Left = 1080 Top = 3000 Width = 3015 End Begin VB.Shape Shape2 FillColor = &H00FF0000& FillStyle = 0 'Ausgef Height = 255 Index = 0 Left = 1080 Top = 1920 Width = 3015 End Begin VB.Shape Shape1 FillColor = &H00FF0000& FillStyle = 0 'Ausgef Height = 3015 Index = 1 Left = 3000 Top = 1080 Width = 255 End Begin VB.Shape Shape1 FillColor = &H00FF0000& FillStyle = 0 'Ausgef Height = 3015 Index = 0 Left = 1920 Top = 1080 Width = 255 End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Private Sub Command1_Click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Text4.Text = "" Text5.Text = "" Text6.Text = "" Text7.Text = "" Text8.Text = "" Text9.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() MsgBox ("Created by Michael Hauck, for questions send an email at") End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text4_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text5_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text6_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text7_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text8_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub Private Sub Text9_Change() If Text1.Text = "x" And Text2.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text4.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text7.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text9.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" And Text3.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text9.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text3.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text7.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text2.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text8.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text4.Text = "x" And Text5.Text = "x" And Text6.Text = "x" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "X is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "X is the winner" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text2.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text4.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text7.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text9.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" And Text3.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text1.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text9.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text3.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text7.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text2.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text8.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" ElseIf Text4.Text = "o" And Text5.Text = "o" And Text6.Text = "o" Then frmwon.Show frmwon.Label1.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" frmwon.Caption = "O is the winner!!!" End If End Sub